
Copy to multiple folders
Copy to multiple folders

One folder is called '_Customer Template.' This folder is used to provision new customers. In our example below we have a document library called 'Customers." Inside, we have a folder for each customer.

  • OPTION 5 - Migrating Massive Number of Files.
  • Migrating / Relocating Many Files and Reorganizing Structure and Content.
  • Moving files between document libraries.
  • Copying files between document libraries.
  • There is no out of the box easy capability to do so.Ĭommon copy move tasks that this article address: How do we move files and documents between folders, document libraries or between sites. Specifically in this article we are talking about the challenges faced when trying to copy or move files around in SharePoint. In the end, its interface is different from the standard Windows explorer view.

    copy to multiple folders

    The $i expands/reads the variable, replacing it with the current number being handled.SharePoint is a great document repository, but surprisingly working with documents in SharePoint may not always be intuitive.

    copy to multiple folders

    This iterates through every number in the sequence 1000–1100 and assigns the current number to the variable named i, a common shorthand for "index". What you want is a for loop, as suggested in your other post: If you wanted to copy directories, you add the -r option to the command. For completeness, the errors you got were because, being a potentially expensive operation, cp doesn't copy directories by default. So what it tried to do was copy the file filename and directories 1, 2, 3, and 4 into directory 5 (which isn't what you wanted to do). When executed, the program cp attempts to copy all the arguments, except the last one, into the final argument.

    copy to multiple folders

    When you say mkdir, the shell expands that into cp filename 1 2 3 4 5. It may be worthwhile to find a beginner shell tutorial online to familiarize yourself with the basic utilities and syntax.

    Copy to multiple folders